How to contribute code on Github

1. Create a branch and start working on your change.

cd rubix
git checkout -b new_rubix_branch

2. Code

  • Adhere to code standards.
  • Include tests and ensure they pass.

3. Commit

For every commit please write a short (max 72 characters) summary in the first line followed with a blank line and then more detailed descriptions of the change.

Don’t forget a prefix!

More details in Commit Guidelines

4. Update your branch

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

5. Push to remote

git push -u origin new_rubix_branch

6. Issue a Pull Request

  • Navigate to the Rubix repository you just pushed to (e.g.
  • Click Pull Request.
  • Write your branch name in the branch field (this is filled with master by default)
  • Click Update Commit Range.
  • Ensure the changesets you introduced are included in the Commits tab.
  • Ensure that the Files Changed incorporate all of your changes.
  • Fill in some details about your potential patch including a meaningful title.
  • Click Send pull request.

7. Respond to feedback

The RubiX team may recommend adjustments to your code. Part of interacting with a healthy open-source community requires you to be open to learning new techniques and strategies; don’t get discouraged! Remember: if the RubiX team suggest changes to your code, they care enough about your work that they want to include it, and hope that you can assist by implementing those revisions on your own.

8. Postscript

Once all the changes are approved, one contributor will push the change to the upstream code.