Install and start RubiX

Install RubiX Admin

pip install rubix_admin

Update Config File

rubix_admin -h

This will create rubix-admin config file at ~/.radminrc with the follwoing format

  - localhost
  - worker-ip1
  - worker-ip2
remote_packages_path: /tmp/rubix_rpms

Install RubiX

rubix_admin installer install

This will install the latest version of RubiX. To install a specific version of Rubix,

rubix_admin installer install --rpm-version <RubiX Version>

To install from a rpm file,

rubix_admin installer install --rpm <path-to-rubix-rpm> 

To enable debugging and see the rubix activity, create /usr/lib/presto/etc/ file with bellow config. com.qubole=DEBUG

Start RubiX Daemons

rubix_admin daemon start --debug
# To verfiy the daemons are up
   verfiy process ids for both 
   BookKeeperServer and LocalDiscoveryServer.
sudo jps -m