3. Configuration

3.1. Cache

Option Description Type Default Client/ Server Applicable to Embedded mode
rubix.cache.block.size The amount of data downloaded per block requested for caching. (if block size = 10MB, request for 45MB of data will download 5 blocks of 10MB) integer (bytes) 1048576 (1MB) C & S Yes
rubix.cache.dirprefix.list The list of directories to be used as parents for storing cache files. Example: /media/ephemeral0/fcache/ list (comma-separated) /media/ephemeral C & S No
rubix.cache.max.disks The number of (zero-indexed) disks within the parent directory to be used for storing cached files. Example: /media/ephemeral0 to /media/ephemeral4 integer 5 C & S No
rubix.cache.dirsuffix The name of the subdirectory to be used for storing cache files. Example: /media/ephemeral0/fcache/ string /fcache/ C & S Yes
rubix.cache.expiration.after-write The time files will be kept in cache prior to eviction. integer (ms) MAX_VALUE S Yes
rubix.cache.usage.percentage The percentage of the disk space that will be filled with cached data before cached files will start being evicted. integer (%) 80 S Yes
rubix.cache.strict.mode Propagate exceptions if there is an error while caching data if true; otherwise fall back on reading data directly from remote file system. boolean false C No
rubix.cache.file.staleness-check.enable When true, always check for updates to file metadata from remote filesystem. When false, file metadata will be cached for a period of time before being fetched again. boolean true S Yes
rubix.cache.stale.fileinfo.expiry.period (rubix.cache.file.staleness-check.enable must be false) The time file metadata will be cached before it will be fetched again from the remote filesystem. integer (s) 36000 S Yes
rubix.cache.parallel.warmup When true, cache will be warmed up asynchronously. boolean false C & S No
rubix.cache.dummy.mode When true, the cache is not populated with data and queries read data directly from the source, but metadata is updated so that statistics such as hitrate, cache reads etc. can be collected as if the data was cached. boolean false C Yes

3.2. Network

Option Description Type Default Client/Server Applicable to Embedded mode
rubix.network.bookkeeper.server.port The port on which the BookKeeper server is listening. integer 8899 C & S No
rubix.network.local.transfer.server.port The port on which the Local Data Transfer server is listening. integer 8898 C No
rubix.network.client.num-retries The maximum number of retry attempts for executing calls to the BookKeeper server. integer 3 C & S Yes
rubix.network.server.connect.timeout The maximum time to wait for a connection to the BookKeeper server. integer (ms) 1000 C & S Yes
rubix.network.server.socket.timeout The maximum time to wait for a response to requests sent to the BookKeeper server. integer (ms) 3000 C & S Yes
rubix.network.client.read.timeout The maximum time to wait when reading data from another node. integer (ms) 3000 C Yes

3.3. Cluster

Option Description Type Default Client / Server Applicable to Embedded mode
rubix.cluster.node.refresh.time The frequency at which the cluster node membership will be checked. integer (s) 300 sec C & S Yes
rubix.cluster.manager.hadoop.class The ClusterManager class to use for fetching node-related information for Hadoop clusters. string com.qubole.rubix.hadoop2. Hadoop2ClusterManager C & S No
rubix.cluster.manager.presto.class The ClusterManager class to use for fetching node-related information for Presto clusters. string com.qubole.rubix.presto. PrestoClusterManager C & S No

3.4. Metrics

Option Description Type Default Client / Server
rubix.metrics.cache.enabled Collect cache-level metrics if true. boolean true S
rubix.metrics.health.enabled Collect heartbeat metrics if true. boolean true S
rubix.metrics.jvm.enabled Collect JVM-level metrics if true. boolean false S
rubix.metrics.reporters The reporters to be used for collecting metrics. Options: JMX, GANGLIA list (comma-separated) JMX,GANGLIA S
rubix.metrics.reporting.interval The interval at which all registered reporters will report their metrics. integer (ms) 10000 S
rubix.metrics.ganglia.host The host at which the Ganglia server (gmond) is running. string (localhost) S
rubix.metrics.ganglia.port The port on which the Ganglia server (gmond) is listening. integer 8649 S