
Add RubiX JARs to Hadoop Classpath

Add RubiX JARs through the Hive CLI:

hive> add jar /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-hadoop2.jar
hive> add jar /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-common.jar
hive> add jar /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-core.jar
hive> add jar /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-spi.jar


Copy JARs to Hadoop’s shared lib directory:

cp /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-hadoop2.jar \ 
   /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-common.jar \ 
   /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-core.jar \ 
   /usr/lib/rubix/lib/rubix-spi.jar \ 

Configure Hive to use RubiX CachingFileSystem for S3/S3N/S3A schemes

If you use this option, all file system interactions with tables with their location in AWS S3 will automatically use RubiX’s CachingFileSystem.

hive --hiveconf \
    fs.s3.impl=com.qubole.rubix.hadoop2.CachingNativeS3FileSystem \
    fs.s3n.impl=com.qubole.rubix.hadoop2.CachingNativeS3FileSystem \